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Veena Scialo

Named after the ancient culture of the Scythians I feel honoured to take part in this international mini textile biennial exhibition in the Ukraine. To find out more about Scythia please visit

My piece "Incandescent" was a product of a spontaneous inspiration to create a brain-like sculpture using recycled nylon tights filled with the lint from the tumble dryer.

To illustrate my visual thinking through textile media I used vibrant coloured silk chiffons, a material which is extremely light yet, strong, bright yet translucent.

The primary colours which we all use in our inkjet printers, magenta, cyan and yellow with the addition of black, allow us to print any colours. In the same way our brain can recognise a vast range of colours by the blending of different frequencies of light which is reflected from the world around us back through our eyes.

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Contact Veena Scialo
Are you interested in purchasing or commissioning artwork? Would you like to collaborate on a project? If you have any inquiries please send me a message via SMS, WhatsApp or email – or use the form. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for submitting!

 +44 7817 625 927
Veena Scialo
London, UK

All artworks in this website are Copyright Protected by Barbara Veena Scialo. These images may not be downloaded, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or other derivative uses without express written permission from the artist.

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