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New Moon, New Beginning

Veena Scialo

It is hard to believe that almost a year has flown by since my last post on this blog.

Time is such an important thing in our fast paced lives and yet it is also just another illusion.

I feel today is a good day to open up a bit further towards the unknown ocean in which we all share. I’m talking about the worldwide web and the way we all connect via social media. In fact I’m still reluctant to dive into this experience fully because part of me feels a real concern regarding all the energy cost and contribution to global warming which unfortunately comes with it. Each picture we share, needs to be saved and with every share it gets uploaded and downloaded and so on. My technical understanding of all this isn’t really adequate but I’m pretty sure the massive cloud we create, needs quite a bit of fuel to keep providing for our unquenchable thirst of sharing our visual worlds. However, it is truly wonderful to have this opportunity to connect with beautiful human beings from around the world and to feel connected and inspired by each other. Maybe one day we can do this instantly without the need of machines.

Here is a little poem which I have written many years ago and feel like sharing today:

Bigger than the Pyramids

Greater than the Himalaya

Larger than all Forests and Oceans

Is the Human Heart

It is more magnificent

Than the Sun and the Moon

And all the Stars

More fragrant and glowing

It is blooming in it’s Love

Eternal like God

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Contact Veena Scialo
Are you interested in purchasing or commissioning artwork? Would you like to collaborate on a project? If you have any inquiries please send me a message via SMS, WhatsApp or email – or use the form. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for submitting!

 +44 7817 625 927
Veena Scialo
London, UK

All artworks in this website are Copyright Protected by Barbara Veena Scialo. These images may not be downloaded, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or other derivative uses without express written permission from the artist.

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